Day 4 - October 16, 2013

Logan holding Daddy's finger!
Another good day in the world of Logan!  The most exciting part of our day is that as of last night, they were able to totally ween Logan off his Dopamene (it was regulating his blood pressure) which in turn means Logan got his first meal this afternoon!!  They said that he took it really well and didn't have any spit up which was a great sign so hopefully this is just the beginning and we will be able to continue this going forward!  (now if only my milk will come in so I can feed him!)

Besides that, the cardiologist came in again today and the PDA valve that I mentioned before still hasn't closed.  They are going to check it one more time on Friday and if there is still no progress they will try using medicine to close it.  We are hoping this will work but if not he will have to have a little procedure where they will go in through his back to manually close it off.  
Logan's Home Away from Home!
When we were there at lunch we got to speak to Dr. Johnson who filled us in on a couple of other things as well.  They have stopped all antibiotics as all the cultures have come back negative.  Jaundice usually peaks on day 4-5 so they expect that to start going down soon and perhaps he can get out of the tanning bed, however we have a little ways to go.  We asked for more information on his brain scan they did on Tuesday and he said that Logan was Grade 1 which is the lowest and there was a tiny bit of blood but nothing that had expanded into his ventricals which is a good thing.  We will have another one on Friday and just hoping for more good news!  

He is still very stable on his oxygen, they haven't had to increase anything there but we also haven't been able to decrease either.  I am hoping that we will make some more progress here soon as that is the last thing keeping me from holding my precious little boy!  

One more day down and one day closer to him coming home!!  


  1. I love this picture of Logan and's a keeper.

  2. These pictures are heart-breaking. Love them so much and can't WAIT for the first picture of you guys HOLDING your sweet boy. That will be one awesome day. Love you guys!


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