4 weeks old!! - November 8-9, 2013

4 weeks is so tiring!!
Our little man is officially 4 weeks old now!  It is amazing how far he has come and how much he looks like a little baby now.  The past 4 weeks have definitely been hard ones but it is reassuring to see how far he has come and I know we still have a little ways to go but we have made great progress so far...

Things continue to be pretty stable with Logan over the past couple of days, we are still on the nasal cannula and at level 7, so no big movement there.  We think that some of this has to do with the fact that he had to be intibated for so long, but the doctor is trying him on some diuretics to see if that may help as well.  He said there is a chance that there is some fluid in his lungs causing it to be a little harder for him to get stable on his breathing so fingers crossed that will work, it seemed to be a little better yesterday.  As of Thursday night he is weighing in at 4lbs 14.5oz so we are almost to 5 pounds.  The doctor seemed very happy with his weight gain and we are hoping that as of Saturday nights weighing we will have hit the 5 pound marker!!

One of the exciting things that has happened over the past couple days is that they are now allowing us to hold him pretty much as long as we would like and as often as we would like.  Guess this means I will be spending more time at the hospital until he gets home, once I get him in my arms I never want to put him down.  

Chris and I were there at our usual time on Friday for his lunch feeding.  His vitals can go up and down a bit while he is getting used to being held but he did pretty good.  Since his feedings are over an hour during the week Chris doesn't have the time to hold him so I guess I luck out!  We went twice on Saturday, I was able to hold him during his lunch feeding and he was knocked out the whole time...barely moved an inch and it took everything I had to listen to my hungry belly and put him back to get myself something to eat.  We then came back at 5 to hold him during his dinner feeding and Chris got to hold him this time.  I have to say I was a bit jealous, his vitals were perfect the whole time Chris had him on his chest, it was the cutest thing I have seen and warmed my heart.  He definitely loves his Daddy!  Here are some pics from the last couple of days!

One more day down and one day closer to him coming home!!

Lunch time is my favorite!!
Is this our first smile??
I love my Daddy SO much!!
Getting dressed in my monkey suit!

Holding thumbs is so fun!!


  1. Love these pictures and such a good update! He's so alert on that last shot! Yea!!!

  2. Great pics!! Love the monkey suit but know soon will be too small for him with the way he's growing!!

  3. Great pic! Logan is doing so fantastic I know he will be filling out those hats and outfits that are so huge on him now, in a very short time! He is sooo very precious and we can't wait to meet him!

  4. Wow! He is looking just swell! Congratulations on Logan's progress :) It's hard to believe he is almost 5 lbs. Incredible! This blog is wonderful. Please keep it up. I check it every day. Love to all three of you. XXX!

  5. I so enjoying reading the blog and seeing all the sweet pictures. Everyone is doing so well. I love you


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