Day 3 - October 15, 2013

Today was a good day!  We called the nurses first thing this morning to get an update on how the evening went.  They said that he had a good night with not much action (something we want to hear!).  He had to go up on the ventilator volume but his oxygen is still down at the minimum amount and he is handling it just fine.  He had to get some more blood last night and some platelets due to him being anemic but since that time his blood pressure was much more regulated.  She said they had him sedated so he could just rest and get better and mentioned how cozy he was looking today.  
Logan Bradley, 3 days old!
I decided to head that way at lunch time for a bit of touch time with my lil man.  His blood pressure was still looking good and they said that there was a good chance that he would not need a transfusion's the first day without one so we will take that at as a huge step.  He got his eye drops while I was there to take care of the blood in the left eye, so hopefully that will start working and by the time the Opthamologist comes back on Thursday we will have some good news.  He has one drop he gets 2 times a day and another that he gets 4 times a day.  His swelling is down even more (or at least I think so), it seems each day we make some more progress on that one.  

One thing I forgot to mention earlier was that Logan has been hanging out in a fancy tanning bed for the past couple days.  This is due to his Jaundice but the nurse informed me that this was probably from his bruising and not something that would have occurred otherwise. 
Logan in his fancy tanning bed!
While I was visiting Logan, I had asked for a lactation consultant to come by to talk to me as this breast pumping thing has been very difficult and frustrating.  She was able to give me some tips and hoping to get a little more on the hands training with them tomorrow.  Fingers crossed this thing will start working soon, I know how beneficial it is to Logan especially as a preemie so fingers crossed!  

Chris went by to see Logan on the way home from work and it sounded like he had been pretty stable without much change since my visit.  They did say his blood pressure was doing really well and that we may be able to ween him off his medicine which is something we will need to do before he can start getting some actual food.  Let's hope that will be our good news for tomorrow!!

Tonight he will get his first bath and will be weighed excited to see how much he has changed in the past couple days.  

One more day down and one day closer to him coming home!!  :)  


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