I know I owe you all an update and so sorry it has taken me so long...I think we are just trying to get used to being back home and our new schedule and routine! So...let me rewind and go back to where I left off on the last blog...Day 5!
Day 5 was another good one for us...Logan and Mommy slept through the night with no one poking us or medicines being administered and we both woke up nice and rested. We had therapy again at 10 and to say the hospital was quiet would be an understatement...since it was the 4th, we were the only people in the gym and they didn't even have the lights on for part of it. Our poor therapist Brandi was the only one on duty and she seemed to be pulled in all sorts of directions. We first went through our discharge orders, including what to expect, when we can take a bath (not soon enough!), prescriptions, etc...lots of information but all good stuff to get us on our way! After that we did some more therapy, some sit to stands, walking, got back on the bike, did a little stretching, we were a little fussier today than we had in the past but I am wondering if that may be because he was sore from his two big workouts the day before. We ended our hour session in the ball pit, of course, and then headed back to the room to get formally discharged from the hospital!
Look at me go!
It takes a village!
Boss man and his pit crew!
Pure Joy!
Ventriloquist Lessons!
I don't think you could have cleaned up a room and gotten ready to leave quicker, we were just so excited to go! The nurses came in with our paperwork, went over a couple of things about his medicine and let us head on our way, thank goodness!!! We were able to get a 2pm checkout from the hotel so we just went back to our room where, Mommy was finally able to shower and Logie took a nice long nap on a real (not plastic) bed before heading to the airport.
Peace out St. Louis Children's Hospital!
Once we got to the airport, Logan kept asking to "Get on the plane" even though it hadn't yet arrived, I think he just thought that would allow him to get his iPad quicker! The flight was a little rough, we had some fussing and some whining from lil guy, I think because he really just wanted "triangle" (aka YouTubeKids) and guess what it doesn't work without internet...oh well...luckily the flight was only an hour! He did have some good sing alongs and show narrations for the entire plane...why is it that he can be so quiet when he talks most of the time and then when you want him to be quiet he screams??? Oh kids! :) Uncle BJ was there to pick us up and we headed over to La Paz for dinner and some yummy cheese dip (Logie's favorite...ok, mine too!). ;)
We have had Logie sleep with us the past couple nights as we are worried he may try to get in and out of the bed on his own and that may be a bit difficult with the surgery still healing and how weak he is right now. Thankfully he has somehow just figured out how to sleep with us all of a sudden so really it hasn't been a problem at all, actually kinda nice to fall asleep with your little buddy holding your hand!
Just in case you guys think he is always smiling!
On Wednesday, Gammy Bootcamp started in full swing, getting him up and walking as much as possible and doing his stretches. They said the most important thing for him is to be on his feet so we are trying hard to do that (which is super hard for Mommy when I just want to cuddle)! He was able to do some walking in his walker with and without AFOs all by himself, in St. Louis they were still holding on to him but we were able to get him walking (albeit a little weak and lots of upper arm strength on his side) all on his own which was so exciting to see! He was even able to sit indian style, which was a challenge to say the least before surgery!! We did our errands to Costco and Publix and thankfully Chris reminded us to bring a pillow for him to sit in the carts, we hadn't thought about that but the metal bar is right where his incision is so that would have been super uncomfortable! There was no therapy today so we just came home read some books, watched some shows, did some more Gammy Bootcamp then headed off to bed.
Look Ma, no hands!
Here I come!
Today was our first day of PT after surgery. We are going to a spot that is about 50 miles in each direction as they have some good experience with post SDR kiddos. Unfortunately the therapist we were initially assigned to work with was not pushing him as hard as we would like, we don't want him in his comfort zone we need him to be pushing hard to get stronger and stronger, so we had to reassess that piece but I think we are on the right path now moving forward. He did a great job and everyone was so excited to see how well he was doing!
After that we went and picked up his new AFOs...it's like the bionic man compared to the old ones...there is even a little (or big) mechanism on the side that allows you to tighten or loosen the amount of dorsiflexion allowed. For now it is very rigid because he needs more support but as he gets stronger we can loosen it so it will allow for more natural foot / ankle movement. Crazy the difference in size and weight between the two!!
Out with the old, in with the new!
We have therapy again tomorrow, we will be going for 2 hours tomorrow since he did so well today, and I will try to take some more videos / pictures to share with everyone. Please keep the prayers coming, this is the part that really gets hard as we have to keep on it at home and in therapy 24/7...lots of work for Mommy and Daddy (and Gammy) but we know that it will all be worth it in the end! XOXO
The title of this post says everything although you may not realize what it means...we have finally hit 2 very exciting milestones related to 5 & 6. Let me break them down for you... I like 5 & 6! As of yesterday morning our little man is now weighing in at 5 pounds 1.7 ounces!!! That means in just one month he has grown almost 2 pounds and is now the size of some regular term babies (albeit small ones). Also, now that he is 5 pounds he can get in a carseat safely (which means we can take him home as soon as everything else is ready) and he is almost growing out of his preemie clothes! Now on to 6...as of Wednesday afternoon they were able to finally move Logan down on his High Flow Nasal Cannula from level 7 to level 6. I was a little worried how he would do on this but honestly he is doing better than when he was at level 7. When I held him on Thursday he did the best he has ever done, he didn't drop his vitals too many times and f...
On my way home!! I am so excited to finally be able to write the post I have been waiting 2 months for...our little man has come home!! The past week has been quite an eventful one but in the end we have our baby at home with us. Logan made a ton of progress the last week in the hospital, moving to 8 bottles a day on Friday the 6th, moving off the cannula on Saturday the 7th and finally coming home exactly 2 months after he was born and 3 days after his original due date on Thursday, December 12th, weighing in at 7 pounds 3 ounces and 20 inches long!! It is such a crazy and wonderful feeling to finally have him here with us and for the first time in 3 months not to be at the hospital! There is this perfect and beautiful baby that has joined our daily lives and we couldn't be happier, I just love having my little family finally all together!! The first night home was a little tough, I think I was just a little Mommy paranoid, checking every coupl...
So sleepy! The last couple of days have been pretty productive and exciting for us. Our little man has made some great progress! He has moved down to level 2 which means he is now on the low flow nasal cannula instead of the high flow and as of today he has tasted his first taste! I think I like this new method of eating, it is so tasty!! Today was a big day and we had our first bottle feeding and I think that Logan did great. The nurse had to do the first feeding and when we started out he had a couple of moments where he wasn't breathing as well as he should but after about 5 minutes he seemed to have it figured out. He was able to take about 2/3 of his normal feeding (35 out of 51 cc's) and on a scale of 1 to 10 the nurse said he was an 8 for his first time. From here on out we will be able to give him his bottles and I can't wait to see how he does with us. They said that there is a chance they will add another bottle tomorrow to...
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