Day 5 - October 17, 2013
Another good day in the books for Mr. Logan! He continues his feedings and seems to be tolerating them well. He is getting 4 cc's every 4 hours, 4 times a day and so far so good. They have also added some Lipids to his fluids in order to help give him a little more fat besides just the feedings.
When we were there he was much more alert than we have ever seen him and the nurse informed him that they have taken his sedation medicine from every 4 hours to every 8 and we can definitely tell the difference. He opened both eyes (I had previously never seen him open his right eye much) his arms and legs were moving around and he was doing a lot of sucking on his tubes which is a good sign. It was nice to see him a little more with it and it didn't seem like he was in pain.
Also, while we were there the occupational therapist and physical therapist were there checking out his head and seeing what we should do to help with the forming and swelling. They made a little wedge for him to sit up on and then they have put some silicone bags behind his head so that he isn't up against the hard service to allow his head to form better as well as they have one resting on top of his head to help put a little pressure and hopefully get the swelling down.
On another good note, today was when the Opthamologist came back to check out how his eye was doing since starting the drops and repositioning him. The doctor said that the blood in his eye has decreased, they could see through to his pupil and he was able to look up and around which was a great step forward. At this point the doctor said that he doesn't think there will need to be any outside intervention, down the road he may be at a higher risk for glaucoma but he said that isn't even a concern right now and that he is really happy with the progress. He will be back next week to check again but so far so good!!
I wanted to share a little preemie prayer that was shared with us, we find it very appropriate!
When we were there he was much more alert than we have ever seen him and the nurse informed him that they have taken his sedation medicine from every 4 hours to every 8 and we can definitely tell the difference. He opened both eyes (I had previously never seen him open his right eye much) his arms and legs were moving around and he was doing a lot of sucking on his tubes which is a good sign. It was nice to see him a little more with it and it didn't seem like he was in pain.
Also, while we were there the occupational therapist and physical therapist were there checking out his head and seeing what we should do to help with the forming and swelling. They made a little wedge for him to sit up on and then they have put some silicone bags behind his head so that he isn't up against the hard service to allow his head to form better as well as they have one resting on top of his head to help put a little pressure and hopefully get the swelling down.
On another good note, today was when the Opthamologist came back to check out how his eye was doing since starting the drops and repositioning him. The doctor said that the blood in his eye has decreased, they could see through to his pupil and he was able to look up and around which was a great step forward. At this point the doctor said that he doesn't think there will need to be any outside intervention, down the road he may be at a higher risk for glaucoma but he said that isn't even a concern right now and that he is really happy with the progress. He will be back next week to check again but so far so good!!
I wanted to share a little preemie prayer that was shared with us, we find it very appropriate!
Precious Preemie,
teeny, tiny baby,
I love you!
As I love you thru the glass,
the hours seem so slow to pass,
I touch your skin and hold your hand,
this isn't exactly what I had planned.
As I cast my eyes up to the sky
and say a little prayer
that God will hold you in his arms,
and keep you in his care.
So sleep and grow my baby
and dream of clouds of foam
and I will love you thru the glass
until you can come home....
One more day down and one day closer to him coming home!!
such a sweet and thoughtful prayer. I love how you close each blog.