A Bottle?!?! - November 19 - 21, 2013

So sleepy!
The last couple of days have been pretty productive and exciting for us.  Our little man has made some great progress!  He has moved down to level 2 which means he is now on the low flow nasal cannula instead of the high flow and as of today he has tasted his first taste!  

I think I like this new method of eating, it is so tasty!!
Today was a big day and we had our first bottle feeding and I think that Logan did great.  The nurse had to do the first feeding and when we started out he had a couple of moments where he wasn't breathing as well as he should but after about 5 minutes he seemed to have it figured out.  He was able to take about 2/3 of his normal feeding (35 out of 51 cc's) and on a scale of 1 to 10 the nurse said he was an 8 for his first time.  From here on out we will be able to give him his bottles and I can't wait to see how he does with us.  They said that there is a chance they will add another bottle tomorrow to help him practice but from there on out he will need to finish the bottles he is given before they will add more.  Once he is able to feed with bottles for all 8 feedings we should hopefully be able to take him home...now that will be an exciting day!!

Is it time to go home yet??
In other news, his eyes are doing well and the doctor will be stopping his eye drops on Saturday.  Hopefully this means he will be good to go from here on out.  Also, he has now been cleared as Intermediate status which means that he can move out of the NICU and into the Intermediate Unit when necessary.  He still has his moments where he forgets to breath and his heartrate drops so they are keeping him in the NICU until they need the space (which is fine with us as we have come to love all the NICU nurses) but they have let us know he will be the first to move when needed.  It is a bit bitter sweet, it means he has made great progress but I hate to leave the angels that have helped us get so far.  

One more day down and one day closer to him coming home!  


  1. Your comment about leaving the angels who have helped you so much thus far is so sweet. It will definitely be a bittersweet day - but mostly SWEET for sure.

  2. Logan looks terrific! His color is rosy and I am so excited that he has met his new friend, the bottle! Congrats on his progress. This is VERY exciting indeed!

  3. Logan looks very happy and peaceful.

  4. oh he looks great and so happy he is showing off for you guys... what a stud. Love it... way to go LBD.


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