Happy 4th of July everyone!! |
We have officially been on the steroids for over a week now and had our first check-up Thursday morning. The doctor was very happy with Logan's progress and felt very hopeful that the treatment may knock this out since we haven't seen any big spasms since last Saturday! We have seen some little movements and she said that is likely little spasms he may be having but she didn't seem quite as concerned about them. One of the main reasons we had to go in for the check-up was to test his blood pressure, they said that a lot of kids blood pressure rises while on the steroids. Well, it turns out that Logan is just like his Mommy in all things blood related...we have the same blood type, no one can ever find our veins and he has perfect blood pressure (Chris was always amazed that during my entire pregnancy and labor my blood pressure was always perfect, not sure the same could have been said about Daddy)! :)
Now that Logan has been on the medication for over a week we are starting to notice little changes in his behavior. I don't know if it is because he is so swollen with all the water weight (he has gained 1lb 2oz in a week) or if he is just getting grumpy as they mentioned might happen but our little cuddler now much prefers to be on is own. He gets a little angry when we hold him or when we bathe him these days, the dr said it was very normal and as soon as we start tempering down the dosage he should come back to his normal self. He is eating a ton, sleeping a ton and getting so much bigger which I guess all make sense to happen together!! I still think it is funny that the 9 month shorts that were HUGE on him just a couple of days ago now fit him perfectly...I guess Mommy is gonna need to go shopping soon! He has gone from being 11% for his age in weight to now being at 29%...his height is still at 67% so he still has some catching up to do!
Just loving the fresh air and being outside!! |
Every fourth we go to Dallas to visit Chris' family and we were supposed to go this year so Logan could see his Grandparents and meet his Great Grandpa (one of 4 Great grandparents this lil man has, amazing!!), cousins, aunts and uncles but unfortunately the doctors told us that since he was on the heavy doses of steroids he wouldn't be able to get on a plane as your immune system is lowered while on the steroids (and we all know how nasty planes are). We miss everyone out there and can't believe it has been a year since we have been back but hopefully we will get out there soon. So...since we usually spend the 4th at the lake in Texas we decided we should spend the 4th at the lake in Georgia. Logan just loves being outside and as you can see was super happy and content just laying around with the nice breeze. We lucked out with a beautiful day that was a bit cooler than a normal 4th which is always a bonus in Georgia summers.
Happy 4th of July everyone and thanks again for all the positivity being sent our way!!
Super cute pictures of our lil man. Love him so and love you two.
ReplyDeleteI love you!
What an adorable little shirt! So exciting that the medicine is really working well - what a miracle. Loving all of the updates (slash pictures) - keep 'em coming! We're praying for you all!
ReplyDeleteKeeping you all in our prayers and missed getting to see y'all on the 4th. Hopefully you will make the trip to Texas soon.