Thank You!

My little cuddle bug!!

Wow, I have to say how amazed I am by the support we have received in such a short time period (and without me even letting most of you know this was out there)!  Thank you all so much for your sweet words and prayers we will take all we can get!!

Yesterday was a pretty good day all in all.  The doctor had prescribed us Klonopin to help with the seizures while we wait for the steroids to get in.  Logan had 2 episodes in the early afternoon but once we gave him the Klonopin we didn't see him have any others.  I am not sure that this is helping the Hypsarrythmia but at least he isn't getting too uncomfortable with the physical side of the episodes.  I will take any small wins we can get! 

We also got some other good news yesterday, the steroids, which we didn't think we would get to start until Monday should be here today!!  I am hoping that we will be able to move up our appt with the doctor to tomorrow so we can get this started ASAP!

Alright, time to call the doctor and get this show on the road!


  1. Positive thoughts coming your way from the Homans Family!!!! Good luck!!!!!!!


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