Happy Boy!! |
First I want to say I am sorry it has been so long since my last update but I am going to try to find the time (somewhere between working full time, the doctors appts and traveling to see clients) to keep you all updated on Logan's Journey, as it is quite a unique one. I have realized that this journey can be very lonely at times and that is my doing by not sharing as much as I could but hoping that this might be an outlet to get our story out there to the friends and family that love us so much and possibly anyone else going through the same thing.
My first birthday...the cake was more fun to smash than eat!! |
Anyways, so I guess I have a lot to update everyone on, so bare with me on this first post! :) Ever since the Infantile Spasms stopped in July, Logan has been seizure free...WOOHOO!! He takes seizure medication twice a day to keep them at bay but from what we are able to tell they have stopped which is great news. Since getting past the spasms and being on this medication he has made some great progress. By his first birthday (in October) he was rolling both ways and starting to army crawl a bit. Now he is an army crawling fool!! I think the reason he is so skinny is because army crawling is a lot of work, I have tried just using my arms to move around the floor and I promise you it is not easy, but somehow he has it mastered. He has even figured out how to climb up the one stair we have in our house and is super curious about anything inside a closed door or drawer!
I love getting into anything and everything... |
Back in January, Logan was officially diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy which we knew was going to come at some point or another. The interesting thing about CP is that there is such a wide spectrum of how this affects different people. Some kids that have CP can be very severe where they aren't able to walk or talk or do anything on their own and then there are others that you would never know they have CP or they may just have a little limp. We are hoping we are more on the mild side but time will tell and so far we feel that cognitively he is pretty with it, seems super smart, we just need to get that little body of his to catch up! They say that usually the progress that a child has made by their second birthday can give you a good idea of what they will be able to do as they get older so we are working hard for the next 7 months and I can only imagine the progress we will be able to make!
Army crawling is the new walking... |
At this point, Logan is still not able to sit completely on his own or stand / walk on his own. He continues to have very high muscle tone in his legs and low tone in his core. He started taking a medicine called Baclofen in January that helps to loosen his muscle and give him a little more flexibility. He takes 1/2 a pill 3 times a day and so far it seems to have helped and he is getting a little looser in his legs. Also in January, he was fitted for his AFO's which are the foot / leg braces that you see kids wear to help them walk / stand. (think Forrest Gump but not metal and they stop under his knees) We received those in February and are slowly getting him used to wearing them and standing on his own. He has a new Physical Therapist who has been great in teaching us some new things to focus on and it really helps to give us a better idea of how we can help him when she is not around.
Here I am standing in my new AFO's...
I need a little support but I am geting there! |
Regarding his sitting, since Logan's legs are so tight sitting flat on the ground is a bit hard for him, so the new PT has had us working on him sitting on a little bench which has helped a bunch. He can now sit unassisted on the bench for a couple of minutes and it allows him to see the world upright which is a good change for him.
On that note, we have also had him fitted and are waiting to receive his first gait trainer (walker). We really think that this is going to make a big difference for him because he seems to get so frustrated not being able to move around as freely as he may want. This will allow him to be upright and start to learn to move his legs and start to walk which I think once he figures out how to do he will be off and running.
Wanna go for a ride? I love being outside!! |
I think the most amazing thing about Logan is his determination and curiosity. He is always into something and honestly it is hard to keep him still for more than a second. He seems to be so smart, trying to figure new things out and exploring everything around him. One thing he recently figured out was how to open and close doors on Mommy and Daddy and he thinks its hilarious. It was amazing watching him figure it out from his belly, the door would hit him and he would realize he would need to move his body a certain direction to get the door to open and would move himself around accordingly.
Yummm...Cheetos!!! |
He is also a super happy baby, he laughs and smiles all the time and is talking up a storm! He loves to repeat things that we say, somehow he has even figured out how to whistle and click his tongue. He is also a great eater which is a blessing as many kids with similar condition have issues with eating and talking so we are so happy this is something he has totally figured out!
I am wearing a little patch for now because my left eye liked to
go in a bit but hopefully it will be off soon! I just have to wear it for 2 hours every day. |
Phew, ok, now if you are still reading to this part, thank you, I know this was a long update but wanted to get everyone caught up on where we are to date. I promise I am going to try and keep this updated on a more regular basis and I would love to hear from you guys (whoever is out there). :) Thank you for taking the time to read about Logan's Journey and always keeping him and us in your prayers, we appreciate and love our prayer warriors more than you know!! Until next time...here are a few other pictures from the past couple of months!
Mommy and me on Valentine's Day! |
My Great Grandpa is awesome,
I love when he comes to visit and reads to me, he's the best!
Go Cowboys!!
(they were robbed...btw...) |
Hat's aren't my favorite, I think it is more fun
to take them off than actually wear them! |
Daddy and me looking dapper for Thanksgiving dinner! |
My family! |
Thank you for taking the time to update Logan's blog. You, Chris and Logan are an inspiration to many of us and we thank you. Your prayer warriors continue to wear our LBD bracelets. I think it's so ironic that you and I have sat down to update our blogs on the same day. I too hope to keep it us as it reminds me of those who are so special to me. I love you. GM
ReplyDeleteSo proud of that little man... he is a strong fighter and can't wait to see all the progress in the next 7 mos... Go Logo Go Logo Go.
ReplyDeleteWe love you guys.
Oh so happy to read the update, thank you Melissa. A lady at church just ask me on Monday if I had news from LBD and now I do. Your little guy has been busy and doing great! Give him hugs from us in East Texas!
ReplyDeleteThe progress Logan made between seeing him at his birthday in October to seeing him over New Year's was really amazing!! Finding Nana was a real blessing for this journey. Love you guys!
ReplyDeleteAhhh updates! Praying always for our strong buddy!!