EEG #2
So yesterday was a big day (as I am sure many of you were aware) as we had our second EEG to see how the steroid treatment went. We got to the doctors office and received many ohhh's and ahhh's over his new helmet, some of the ladies even wanted to take pictures with him! :) We were taken back to the EEG pretty quickly and the technician started putting the probes on Logan's head. I was so proud of him, he smiled and laughed and didn't cry once through the entire one hour process. The technician even mentioned that he was doing better than most of the big kids!! Hehe, that tickles! Just hanging out and letting them read my brain! After getting all set up she went over to start reading the EEG and within about a minute she informed us that it was GONE!! That is right, the Hypsarrythmia is GONE!!! We were so excited, I started tearing up and was just so proud of my little fighter. We still have to wait for the official results to b...