Katie Beckett!!

Ok, so I know I promised updates more regularly and I am already slacking but hopefully you will all forgive me! :) We had some good news recently and I wanted to share it with you all...as I may have mentioned, the doctors believe that ideally Logan should be having professional therapy almost daily with a mixture of physical, occupational and speech. My insurance however only allows us to have 20 a year and even then we are still responsible for the $50 copay. This was making it difficult to really get all of the therapy in place that can help Logan make the most progress. There is a program called Katie Beckett that actually allows you to apply for Medicaid for a child with disabilities even if the parents do not qualify for it based on income. I had to fill out / put together about 350 pages of documentation about Logan's condition, get it signed from multiple doctors and deliver everything in a perfect packet to the Katie Beckett offices. This ...