10 Months!!
Guess what?? I am 10 months old!! :) I am two days late but our lil man is 10 months old now (8 months adjusted). Half of me feels like it is crazy that it has been 10 months already and half of me feels like it has been a pretty long 10 months!! Since getting put on the new medicine, Logan seems to be making great progress. He is rolling over on his own from his tummy to back and looks to be close to going from back to tummy. He is sitting supported and holding his head a bunch better and he is just the happiest and sweetest baby these days! We go back in 2 weeks to the neurologist for a check up but so far so good...it is amazing the difference we have seen since we got the Hypsarrythmia and minor seizures under control. Fingers crossed that this progress continues. In honor of Logan's 10 month birthday I thought I would share some pics from the last month...sorry, there are a lot but hopefully they make you smile as much as th...